How exciting! After 2 years of dreaming and planning, we are now finally "on the road" and on the road permanently for what we believe will probably be 3-5 years!
What an adventure! Having sold up almost everything, including the house (and what's left has gone into storage for the next few years), we said "Farewell" to Townsville on Monday 15th August, a place that has been home to me for the last 25 years & about 43 years for Ken. I'm sure we'll be back for the winter of 2012, because winters in North Queensland are just the BEST place to be!
We enjoyed the first few days of our trip at the seaside town of Bowen (where the movie ‘Australia’ was filmed), and then moved on up to Eungella, which is up a mountain range and seriously the STEEPEST road I’ve ever been up in such a short distance – 4.5k of a 12% incline with hairpin bends all the way. A few people at Bowen didn’t think we’d make it up the range with the length of our van but my very clever husband did a brilliant job, and there were only a few claw marks in the door handle on the passenger side ! Coming down yesterday seemed much easier.
Our view from the camping ground was spectacular and we had a lovely, restful and very quiet 4 days, and got to see Platypussses (more than one!) in the wild for the first time. Ended up doing a little bit of off road 4WD (not planned by my beloved, who was none too pleased with me when the road to “The Diggings” (an old gold mining area from early 1900’s) that I’d insisted we traverse became less than a track, more fingernail marks in the passenger door handle and I wondered why didn’t we have a "Jesus Bar" on the Dash! but all turned out OK.
We’re now at Clermont, (about 900k north west of Brisbane) in coal mining country with plenty of gold & sapphire fossickers as well.
This weekend I am running a “Heal Your Life” workshop, and really looking for to it. I’m providing morning & afternoon tea both days and Ken has promised to cook some cakes in the BabyQ ! Also hoping for a successful batch of scones!
On Monday we leave for Carnarvon Gorge for 5 days – a place I’ve always wanted to go to, and expecting some pretty spectacular scenery. Will keep you posted, be sure to come back & visit here soon!