"Love Yourself, Heal Your Life" Workshops

"Heal Your Life" Workshops - Mini 3 Hour Workshops, 1 Day and the Classic 2 Day Workshops are now offered !

A transformational course, the classic 2 day Heal Your Life workshop is based on the teachings & philosophy of Louise L. Hay, and is held world-wide

August 14, 2009

Smiling is good - Laughing is GREAT !

I am sitting here with a grin from ear to ear (which is pretty much how I spend most of my days - smiling, laughing and having fun). But this morning's smile is even wider after I saw a little movie on youtube that just had me in a total state of joy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-94JhLEiNO

And I realise that "happiness", and being in a constant state of "joy" is simply a choice! We can choose to wake up and be constantly in a happy state and no matter what happens during the day to try and knock us over, our happy state of being simple over rides all else. Isnt that just so cool?

Are you choosing to be happy, joyful, full of fun & laughter in every moment of your day? If not.... why not? Why not start right now ? It is just so simple - a random act of kindness shown to someone could be your first step.

Till next time.....
Cheers from Val
"making a difference for others"

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